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Accessing quality healthcare services when they are needed is essential to the promotion and protection of health and prevention of illness, however providing Canadians with such access is complicated by several factors. Perhaps the most obvious of these is the geographic and climatic diversity of Canada. A second is the recent amalgamation of many healthcare services in larger communities.

Issues regarding access to healthcare services are the focus of increasing attention by consumers, healthcare providers, and policy-makers due to ongoing healthcare reforms (Kirby, 2002; Romanoff. 2002). Unfortunately, our ability to anticipate or evaluate the impact of changes in healthcare services on the health of Canadians is currently limited.

Research is needed to determine not only how factors specific to individuals and their communities live impact the health of Canadians and their use of healthcare services, but also how the organization, structure and delivery of healthcare services affect health outcomes.

The specific purpose of this research initiative is to advance knowledge and practices that will enhance Canadians’, and in particular New Brunswickers’, ability to access quality health information and healthcare services.